Activism Real Food

Reading Labels In The Store – Don't Be Fooled By Marketing Lingo!

When you go to the store, are you overwhelmed and confused by what you read on the packages of the foods you buy? If so, you are not alone. Deciphering information on nutritional labels and information on packages can be a real challenge. Many big corporations and agribusiness conglomerates have learned that people are spurred […]


American Academy Of Family Physicians Strikes An Agreement With Coca Cola to "Educate" Consumers

The image to the left and others like it have over the last century and more become synonymous with American values. It is an icon that has become associated with having fun, being glamorous, and cool. But is it really cool to foist your poisonous product upon an organization that is supposed to be responsible […]

Activism Reviews

Shall We Gather At The River?

Don’t miss this important film! There are many diligent and brave filmmakers out there today willing to make sacrifices and take risks to bring you important information about our food industry, and this film is no exception. The American people have a right to know how their food is produced, and should be informed about […]

Activism Healthy Living Real Food

People For The Unethical Treatment Of Animals AND Humans

The New York times printed a story on October 3rd, 2009 about a young dance instructor, Stephanie Smith (age 22) whose entire life was altered in 2007 when she went over to her parents’ house for a home-cooked hamburger one afternoon. Her illness started out like many others – she believed she had a stomach […]


Letter To PETA And Their Response

A little over a month ago, I happened upon a web site affiliated with PETA (they have multiple sites) containing an article detailing the many benefits of living a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. I left a comment discussing why vegetarian and vegan diets can be damaging both to the planet and our health. Karen Dickerson, Correspondence Assistant […]

Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family

Public Schools, Home School, Health Care Reform, And The Food Industry

Some of you may have noticed the slow down in new articles on this site. The reason for this is that school has started and we are home-schooling this year. We have four years of home-schooling experience under our belts, but things are different this year because we are using a publicly-funded home-education program which […]

Activism Real Food

Want Your Politicians to Listen? Write A Letter About The Food System And Health Care Reform!

I wrote this letter to my state senator, Mike Crapo today. I’m urgently concerned about the state of our health care and the food system – which are intrinsically tied together. Feel free to cut and paste this letter and send it on to your local congressperson or legislative representative. I’ve written over a dozen […]

Activism Healthy Living Real Food

American Dietetic Association Refuses To Acknowledge Benefits Of Organic Food

It should come as no surprise to those who are faithful to sustainable, traditional ways of eating that many far and wide oppose our beliefs about returning to nutrient-dense and older ways of growing, preparing, and selling food.  It is our duty to take a stand against agencies that seek to bring down the potential […]

Activism Real Food

Should Our Right To Purchase Real Food Be Taken Away?

The tension about our ability to be able to obtain real, untainted food is growing stronger every day. No doubt, all we need do is look in the news for a barrage of reports about the government attempting to put regulatory laws on the manufacturing, production, and sale of food. It’s certainly true that we’ve […]

Activism Real Food

Is The Threat Of Codex Alimentarius Real Or A Hoax?

Are you interested in protecting the future of your health freedoms and ability to obtain healthy food for your family? Frequently in the news we hear reports about the NAIS (National Animal Identification System), genetically-modified organisms, and many other food-related issues. Do not doubt it: the future of our ability to procure real, healthy food […]