Activism Healthy Living Real Food

Whole and Healthy Meat…Does It Really Exist?

Eating meat in the modern world could be compared to playing Russian Roulette. If it is cooked thoroughly, nine times out of ten you probably won’t get sick from eating it – not immediately anyway. Repeated consumption of what is known as factory-farmed or industrially-produced meats is actually hazardous to your health. This meat is […]

Activism Real Food

ACTION NOW! An Open Letter to the President And Other Decision Makers Regarding Preventative Health Care

Dear Mr. President and members of Congress, Most people know the health care system in our country is beyond broke. Even now that the new administration is in place, I’m seeing very little being done to remedy the desperately dire health care conditions in this country. I realize a major system change takes time. I […]

Activism Healthy Living Real Food Reviews

Michael Pollan In Boise, Idaho – Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Although I don’t get asked as often as I should about who is one of my favorite authors and heroes, last evening I had the opportunity to see Michael Pollan speak at The Egyptian Theatre in downtown Boise, Idaho. Michael is a writer and activist about the subject of the food we eat and the […]

Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family

What Are Excitotoxins?

If you knew that the consumption of many store products could cause brain damage and other related disorders, would it have an influence on your buying habits? An increasing number of scientists and clinicians who have conducted research are releasing information showing just how dangerous these substances are and why they are  a major culprit […]

Activism Real Food

Corn-Fed Equals Corn-Bred

Do you believe the kind of feed your meat eats has an effect on your health? Indeed, it does. The majority of the meat, eggs, and milk available for sale in stores comes from animals raised in the most unnatural of environments – on feedlots, near waste lagoons, owned by farmers who administer antibiotics, growth […]

Activism Healthy Living Real Food Reviews

WALL.E: A Bleak Picture Of The Future – Or A Clear Reflection Of The Present?

WARNING: contains spoilers. Last evening we saw Pixar’s latest offering of WALL.E at our local movie theatre. I had little idea what was about to play itself out on the screen before me. As the movie started, I sat in spellbound dismay at the unfortunate coincidences shown to our present-day situation here on Planet Earth. […]

Activism Kids & Family Raw Dairy Real Food

Why The Consumption of Milk Is Harmful To Your Health

What’s better than a glass of milk and a chocolate chip cookie? Or how about your favorite cereal covered in refreshing, cold milk and a glass of juice? These types of meal and snack combinations have been revisited for decades by many well-intentioned people. The fact is, milk has been glorified and heralded by various […]

Activism Healthy Living Real Food

Why Meat Gets The Heat

Since the dawn of humanity, people have eaten meat for food and it has consistently remained a primary source of protein. In recent years, we have witnessed a monumental shift from diets primarily rooted in meat-eating habits to those of vegetarian and vegan. Health rhetoric, news, and medical reports continually advocate the superiority of vegetarian […]

Activism Healthy Living

What Is Your Health Worth?

Some say I’m an extremist when it comes to health and food. That’s okay. I want my unconventional and often controversial ideals to cause people to think about the choices they make. Over the years I have listened to consumers complain about the prices of food. With the cost of living as high as it […]