Healthy Living Real Food

13 Ways to Increase Mineral Intake for Improved Well-Being & Health

It is said that all health begins and ends in the digestive tract. It is also said that many diseases are caused by a lack of vital nutrients in our diets. If our digestive tracts are not functioning properly, we can’t digest the nutrients from the foods we eat, including essential minerals needed for health. […]

Healthy Living Healthy Meat Real Food

Deceptions in the Food Industry: Books & Diet Plans from “Experts”

One of the most flagrant deceptions in the food industry comes from “experts” shelling out advice to frustrated consumers who are tired of being sick and overweight.   I’ve just been reviewing some of the recipes and recommendations from Personal Trainer Bob Harper’s The Skinny Rules. On the Today Show, he talks about how our […]

Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family

Wakefield Upheld: Italian Court Gives Case to Family of MMR-Vaccine Injured Child

It seems the “fraudulent” findings of Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s work are being proven once again in a court of law to solidify the very real connection between autism and vaccines. An Italian court has ruled that Valentino Bocca’s autism symptoms were in fact linked to the MMR injection he received when he was 15 months […]

Healthy Living Real Food

My GAPS Experience for Panic Disorder & GAPS Radio Interview

Over the last year I’ve been on the GAPS protocol created by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride.  GAPS is a healing protocol developed to correct digestive compromise and nutritional deficiencies in the body as a result of poor lifestyle and dietary habits. Last January, I started experiencing terrible panic-like symptoms that were keeping me awake at […]

Activism Healthy Living Healthy Meat Real Food Toxin Alert!

4 Ways to Avoid GMOs in the Foods You Buy

The extreme conditions in our food supply today call for the application of conscientious awareness and purchasing habits on behalf of the consumer public. Avoiding GMOs is not necessarily easy, but to ensure good health and a clean environment, it’s an absolutely necessity. Given what’s at stake with regard to current contamination issues of the […]

Healthy Living Healthy Meat Real Food Toxin Alert!

What’s the Real Scoop on Red Meat and Higher Mortality Rates?

The Internet is aflame with a contentious report about a recent study telling us eating too much red meat will shorten our lives. Once again, the conventional propaganda machine spews its unfounded and nonsensical fear-mongering out to the public ear, and what ensues is sheer panic.  In the last week, I can’t tell you how […]

Healthy Living Real Food

Why My Family Loves Lard

Today I’m rendering lard in my kitchen. Wait, did I just say a dirty word? You’d certainly think so. When I say the word “lard” to some people, they do a double-take, as though I’ve just uttered some foul language and should go wash my mouth out with soap. The picture shows two young adults […]

Alternative Medicine Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food

Why Water Alone Doesn’t Hydrate the Body: Dehydration, Minerals, & Adrenal Exhaustion

If you have been dutifully drinking your 8 eight-ounce glasses of water daily, here’s why you aren’t getting the benefits you believe you are: Tap water and bottled water are purported to contain some minerals, varying in content from source to source. However, most bottled water is expensive and may not be any better than […]

Healthy Living Real Food Toxin Alert!

Processed Food & Eating Disorders – A Product of Modern Society

Most people know someone with an eating disorder. In the 1980s we saw an enormous surge of teenage girls described as having bulimia (binging and purging) and anorexia nervosa (starving oneself to death) in order to keep from being overweight. But, eating disorders are much more common than people think. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride talks […]

Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food

16 Ways to Avoid Flu and Colds this Holiday Season & Through the Winter Months

Winter is here, and if you get sick a lot this time of year, there are many natural ways you can improve your body’s ability to stay healthy – especially with the foods you eat and lifestyle you maintain. Many people believe that hand-washing is one of the best ways to keep illnesses away. In […]