Activism Real Food

Want Your Politicians to Listen? Write A Letter About The Food System And Health Care Reform!

I wrote this letter to my state senator, Mike Crapo today. I’m urgently concerned about the state of our health care and the food system – which are intrinsically tied together. Feel free to cut and paste this letter and send it on to your local congressperson or legislative representative. I’ve written over a dozen […]

Activism Real Food

Should Our Right To Purchase Real Food Be Taken Away?

The tension about our ability to be able to obtain real, untainted food is growing stronger every day. No doubt, all we need do is look in the news for a barrage of reports about the government attempting to put regulatory laws on the manufacturing, production, and sale of food. It’s certainly true that we’ve […]

Activism Real Food

Is The Threat Of Codex Alimentarius Real Or A Hoax?

Are you interested in protecting the future of your health freedoms and ability to obtain healthy food for your family? Frequently in the news we hear reports about the NAIS (National Animal Identification System), genetically-modified organisms, and many other food-related issues. Do not doubt it: the future of our ability to procure real, healthy food […]

Activism Healthy Living

Want More Strict Oversight of GM Crops? Let Your Voice Be Heard!

I received this e-mail in my box this week from the Center for Food Safety, and I wanted to pass this important information on to everyone about curtailing GMO crops. Please read and take action against this terrible activity which is polluting our food supply and harming our health. Thanks for your support toward a […]

Activism Real Food

ACTION NOW! An Open Letter to the President And Other Decision Makers Regarding Preventative Health Care

Dear Mr. President and members of Congress, Most people know the health care system in our country is beyond broke. Even now that the new administration is in place, I’m seeing very little being done to remedy the desperately dire health care conditions in this country. I realize a major system change takes time. I […]

Activism Real Food

Corn-Fed Equals Corn-Bred

Do you believe the kind of feed your meat eats has an effect on your health? Indeed, it does. The majority of the meat, eggs, and milk available for sale in stores comes from animals raised in the most unnatural of environments – on feedlots, near waste lagoons, owned by farmers who administer antibiotics, growth […]

Activism Kids & Family Raw Dairy Real Food

Why The Consumption of Milk Is Harmful To Your Health

What’s better than a glass of milk and a chocolate chip cookie? Or how about your favorite cereal covered in refreshing, cold milk and a glass of juice? These types of meal and snack combinations have been revisited for decades by many well-intentioned people. The fact is, milk has been glorified and heralded by various […]

Healthy Living Real Food

How The FDA, Corn, And Oil Are Killing People

Put aside your purely sentimentalist views about corn, including your ideal Sunday dinner on the farm. Corn is in everything we eat…from meat to cereals to drinks to coffee, from breads to pasta, from the McDonald’s meal you grab in the drive-through to so-called “organic” eggs. In fact, in the average grocery store, of more […]