Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food Toxin Alert!

Deceptions in the Food Industry: Baked versus Fried

In this continuing series of Deceptions in the Food Industry, I want to address yet another fallacy the food industry uses to make us think a product they sell is healthy – baked versus fried on labels. I know a lot of people who eat real food would never touch a bag of the above […]

Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family

Wakefield Upheld: Italian Court Gives Case to Family of MMR-Vaccine Injured Child

It seems the “fraudulent” findings of Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s work are being proven once again in a court of law to solidify the very real connection between autism and vaccines. An Italian court has ruled that Valentino Bocca’s autism symptoms were in fact linked to the MMR injection he received when he was 15 months […]