Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food Toxin Alert!

Death of the Lakes: The Spreading of Toxic and Infectious Wastes and Disease

Today I am sharing an important story of toxic waste spreading through our water from factory farming from The Journal of Food and Natural Healing, a site managed by my good friend, David (Augie) Augenstein. David Michael has posted this expose on the appalling situation at Ohio’s largest inland lake, Grand Lake-St. Mary’s. David Michael […]

Activism Healthy Living Real Food

The Time To Act Is Now – Oppose Bill S.510 – The Food Safety Modernization Act

Please take a few moments to read the information below regarding S.510 Food Safety Modernization Act. I received this bulletin in my Inbox today, and the time to act is definitely now. Congress is in recess until September 10th, 2010 and it is urgent that you contact your local representatives and senators to keep this […]

Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family

The Amazing Compost Pile Behind My House

Compost piles are truly amazing; they are a perfect example of the circle of life. You dump a bunch of organic material into a dedicated spot, keep adding to it, turn it now and then, give it air, sunshine, and a bit of moisture if it gets too dry…and within a year or so you […]