
Announcing the Winner of Real Food Fermentation by Alex Lewin

Today I am announcing the giveway winner for Alex Lewin’s book Real Food Fermentation. The lucky winner of this giveaway is: Andrea Please send me your e-mail address within 24 hours by e-mailing me at, and I will make sure your new book is shipped out right away. If you didn’t win, please be […]

Giveaways Healthy Living Reviews

Real Food Fermentation by Alex Lewin: Book Review & Giveaway

I am a big advocate for fermented foods, and have committed to making them a regular part of my dietary habits. That’s why I am reviewing another great book about fermentation this week, Alex Lewin from Feed Me Like You Mean It’s recent book Real Food Fermentation. Whether you are new to fermenting and are […]

Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food Toxin Alert!

Why Our Family Won’t Be Getting A Flu Shot This Year (Or Any Year)

It’s that time of year again. I’ve been seeing the signs all over proclaiming: “flu shots here” from Walgreens to doctor’s clinics all over the city where I live. And I hear conversations from people everywhere saying that they need to get into their doctor and get their flu shot before it’s too late. So […]