Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family Toxin Alert!

Deceptions in the Food Industry:”All Natural”

In the first post in this series, Deceptions in the Food Industry: Low-Fat Foods, I talked about the pervasiveness of processed, low-fat foods in our food supply, misconceptions about how low-fat foods are healthy, and the dishonesty of labeling about these foods. Today I’ll discuss the “all natural” label on processed, packaged foods and how […]

Activism Kids & Family Real Food Toxin Alert!

Whole Foods, et al, Grant Blessing of GMO Alfalfa to Monsanto

I’d say this is the straw that broke the camel’s back…but I dare not, because I know this is only the beginning. Whole Foods, leader of natural grocery stores nationwide, and other industry leaders in “organic” foods Organic Valley and Stonyfield Farm relented under mounting pressure from all angles Thursday, and gave their approval for […]

Healthy Living Real Food Toxin Alert!

Trans-Fat Free…Does This Mean Healthy?

Do you look for labels on foods to buy that say “trans-fat free”? If so, you could be falling into a trap of believing the food manufacturer telling you that a food is healthy when it is actually not. This is a common problem with processed foods, where health claims on the label deceive the […]

Activism Healthy Living Real Food

Can The Government Be Trusted To Fix The Safety Of Our Food?

The safety infrastructure for food in this country is failing. It’s regulated by about a dozen federal agencies implementing about 35 laws. You would think that with that much oversight and checking, something would be working right. The public is most certainly aware of the problem, as is evident by regular media coverage of the […]