Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food

Get Your Sunshine While You Still Can…Prevent Flus and Colds!

Vitamin D deficiency is an epidemic problem in the modern world. In 2010, a large study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism revealed that 59 percent of the population is vitamin D deficient. Almost 25 percent of the test subjects had extremely low levels of this critical hormone. Source (Department of Medicine, Section of Endocrinology, Nutrition, and Diabetes. […]

Healthy Living Healthy Meat Kids & Family Real Food

Turn Leftovers into Nourishing School Lunches in Minutes!

School has started again for many families, whether your children attend public or private school, or you are in a family fortunate enough to home school. And with school days comes school lunch staring us in the face again with that age-old question: “What on earth will I feed my child today?” Finding nourishing, appealing, […]

Healthy Living Real Food

Why My Family Loves Lard

Today I’m rendering lard in my kitchen. Wait, did I just say a dirty word? You’d certainly think so. When I say the word “lard” to some people, they do a double-take, as though I’ve just uttered some foul language and should go wash my mouth out with soap. The picture shows two young adults […]

Healthy Living Healthy Meat Kids & Family Real Food

Kitchen Staples: Things I’d Never Be Without for Cooking and Food Preparation

I’d like to invite you to come into my kitchen for a moment to share some of my staples I’d never be without. These are the foods, products, and appliances/tools we use every day to prepare food and to maintain our health. Even though everyone has their own set of preferences about what they use […]

Activism Healthy Living Real Food

The Forgotten Craft of Rendering Lard

When I first heard the term “render lard”, I can’t tell you how many visions of difficulty swelled up in my head. I imagined a long, labor-intensive process that would leave me frustrated and my kitchen a mess, stinking of pork. What was surprising to learn is that none of those things happened. I didn’t […]

Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food

12 Smart Ways to Go Sustainable In the New Year

Have you been thinking about going sustainable and reducing waste? Well, what are you waiting for? There are many ways to do it. From changing foods in your diet to exchanging items you commonly use every day in your home or place of business, there are endless ways to make your living environments less toxic […]

Healthy Living Real Food Toxin Alert!

Trans-Fat Free…Does This Mean Healthy?

Do you look for labels on foods to buy that say “trans-fat free”? If so, you could be falling into a trap of believing the food manufacturer telling you that a food is healthy when it is actually not. This is a common problem with processed foods, where health claims on the label deceive the […]

Activism Alternative Medicine Guest Posts Real Food

Adrenal Exhaustion: What It Is, Why You Should Be Aware

What is adrenal exhaustion? If you feel tired, worn out, and overwhelmed on most days, you might be placing a lot of strain on a very important set of organs that your body relies on to be healthy – the adrenal glands. I would like to welcome Kate Tietje today from Modern Alternative Mama. Kate […]

Healthy Living Real Food

Tired of Dry Skin? Use Traditional Fats And Oils In Your Diet!

Is your skin dry in the winter? Besides the air being full of static and moisture-depleted which can contribute to irritated skin, we can experience dryness because of three major factors – environmental damage, chemicals we put directly on our skin, and the lack of healthy, traditional fats in our diets. Water and your skin […]