Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family Toxin Alert!

Deceptions in the Food Industry:”All Natural”

In the first post in this series, Deceptions in the Food Industry: Low-Fat Foods, I talked about the pervasiveness of processed, low-fat foods in our food supply, misconceptions about how low-fat foods are healthy, and the dishonesty of labeling about these foods. Today I’ll discuss the “all natural” label on processed, packaged foods and how […]

Activism Healthy Meat Toxin Alert!

The Story of Stuff – What's in Our Products?

We don’t even realize it, but the amount of toxic substances stored in the body due to daily exposure can be a cause of health issues. There are many people with chemical sensitivities, allergies, and illnesses related to toxic chemicals in our environments. Chemicals are not just in the food we eat, water we drink, […]

Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food

Can You Afford Not To Eat Healthy?

Many of the posts I write on this web site are devoted to the subject of eating real food and eating healthy. But I feel like the point of moving from supporting a conventional farming system that pumps out massed produced, nutritionally empty foods to a healthy, more sustainable one simply cannot be pressed enough. […]