Healthy Living Healthy Meat Real Food

Deceptions in the Food Industry: Books & Diet Plans from “Experts”

One of the most flagrant deceptions in the food industry comes from “experts” shelling out advice to frustrated consumers who are tired of being sick and overweight.   I’ve just been reviewing some of the recipes and recommendations from Personal Trainer Bob Harper’s The Skinny Rules. On the Today Show, he talks about how our […]

Activism Healthy Meat Kids & Family Real Food Toxin Alert!

The Grassfed Meat Challenge: Busting Myths About Meat

Are you a meat eater or a vegetarian? This post is intended to be a challenge for all those who may have harbored the belief that meat is unhealthy to eat, for those who have limited their consumption of meat throughout their lives, or anyone who has never eaten real, grassfed meat from healthy animals […]

Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food

Which is Better for Your Health – Polyunsaturated or Saturated Fats?

Has your doctor recommended that you choose polyunsaturated fats for health? Do you read in health magazines and Internet web sites how great polyunsaturated fats are, while saturated fats are the enemy? Common health rhetoric stipulates that to maintain health we avoid saturated fats in anything containing these fats – butter, red meat, eggs, and […]

Activism Healthy Living Kids & Junk Food Real Food

Does Fund-raising for Disease Pay Off?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many causes, events, and fund-raising efforts going on for various diseases and disorders? Since I was a child, I have watched campaigns go on for these causes, and wondered why progress never seems to be made. Even when I was younger and pretty unaware of health, I […]

Healthy Living Real Food Reviews

Want To Lose Weight? DETOX!

Are you constantly trying to manage your weight and feel as though you can never get rid of excess pounds? The battle you are fighting might just have more to do with toxins in your body than being “fat” or the amount of exercise you are getting.  It’s time to take a good look at […]

Healthy Living Real Food

Malnutrition And Obesity – Why America Has Both Of These Problems In Spades

What do malnutrition and obesity have in common? A lot, actually. It may come as a huge surprise, but the main reason obese individuals and those who fall into the “skinny as a rail” category are similar is because both of these body types are failing to receive the nutrition they desperately need – plain […]

Healthy Living Real Food

The Cure For Obesity

The fight with obesity goes on and on, particularly in industrialized countries where the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles, toxins in the environment, and consumption of processed food are at all time highs. It is responsible for a myriad of serious health problems from heart disease, hypertension, kidney failure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, to name just […]