Healthy Living Healthy Meat Kids & Family Real Food

Deceptions in the Food Industry: Low-Fat Foods

In this new series, I’m going to show you the fallacies of processed foods, and the claims made on the labels of many foods you will find in the grocery store. One by one, I’ll go through various types of packaged foods you may recognize and eat, and may even be under the false assumption […]

Activism Healthy Living Real Food

What Are Traditional Foods?

You may hear the term traditional foods and wonder, “what exactly does that mean?” When you think about traditional foods, do you think about hunter-gatherers of long ago? They did everything by hand and from scratch. Or do you think about the pioneers living out on the prairie or edge of the forest who began […]

Activism Healthy Living Kids & Family Real Food

Managing Diabetes with Real Food

If this picture is a familiar activity for you and you have been following conventional health rhetoric about managing your diabetes, the following information may be of interest. Medical “experts” recommend being under the care of a physician to take care of your disease. But are doctors really getting to the root cause of the […]

Healthy Living Real Food Toxin Alert!

Alcohol and The Sugar Connection

What would you say if someone told you that alcoholism has its roots in sugar addiction? Problems with over-consumption of alcohol often begin with eating habits as children. Since all alcoholic drinks contain sugar, it is a wonder that this association is often overlooked. A 12-ounce beer has about 13 grams of carbohydrates in it. […]